Source code for erin.client

import logging

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from schema import SchemaError

from erin.core.schema import plugin_schema
from erin.core.utils import find_plugins, get_plugin_data
from erin.db.drivers import MongoClient

# Logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ErinClient(commands.Bot): """ Custom implementation designed to load configuration from the TOML config file and dynamic console configurations """ def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): self.config = config super().__init__( command_prefix=self._get_command_prefix(), description=self._get_description(), intents=discord.Intents.all(), *args, **kwargs, ) # Logger self.logger = logger # Database if config["database"].get("enabled"): self.db = MongoClient(config, bot=self) else: self.logger.notice("No database defined. Running without one!") def _get_command_prefix(self): self.prefixes = self.config["global"]["prefixes"] return self.prefixes def _get_description(self): self.description = self.config["global"]["description"] if self.description: return self.description else: return "" def _load_plugins(self): plugin_dir = self.config["bot"].get("plugins_folder") try: extensions = find_plugins(plugin_dir) logger.verbose(f"Plugins Found: {extensions}") except Exception: self.logger.exception() self.logout() return None for extension in extensions: plugin_data = get_plugin_data(extension) if not plugin_data: self.logger.notice(f"Skipping {extension}: `plugin_data` undefined") continue # Convert to database method later if not self.config["database"].get("enabled"): if plugin_data.get("database"): logger.notice(f"Skipping {extension}: Database Needed") continue else: try: plugin_schema.validate(plugin_data) except SchemaError as e: self.logger.exception(f"Plugin data is invalid: {extension}") if plugin_data.get("name"): self.logger.verbose(f"Loading Plugin: {plugin_data['name']}") else: self.logger.verbose(f"Loading Plugin: {extension}") # Attempt loading the plugin try: self.load_extension(extension) except discord.ClientException: self.logger.exception(f"Missing setup() for Plugin: {extension}.") except ImportError: self.logger.exception(f"Failed to load Plugin: {extension}") except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Core Error:")
[docs] def setup(self): """ Important setup functions and their configurations have to be called here. """ self._load_plugins()
[docs] async def on_command(self, ctx): if ctx.cog.__cog_name__: cog_name = ctx.cog.__cog_name__ else: cog_name = repr(ctx.cog) f"Cog: {cog_name} " f"| Invoked With: {ctx.invoked_with} " f"| Invoked By: {} - <@!{}> " f"| Message Content: \n" f"{ctx.message.content}" )