Installing the bot

For Users

For production use, please install from pip.

pip install erin

Then verify it is working by running this command:

$ erin -V

For Developers

Installing from source

Erin is very easy to install from source. First clone the latest development version from the master branch.

git clone
cd Erin/

Since Erin has a lot of dependencies, it is managed by Poetry. Please do not use pipenv however. It’s incompatible with Erin’s dependencies and may cause more problems in the future. If you wish to submit a pull request to fix this problem please read more here

First install poetry from the instructions provided here. Then create a shell:

poetry shell

You should now see your terminal change to show your are you now using a virtual environment. Let’s install the package dependencies now. This may take a while depending on your machine.

poetry install

Then verify it is working by running this command:

erin -V